久御山町「黄金の茶室」 The Golden Tea House of KUMIYAMA
- [公開日:2021年4月13日]
- ID:2648

ものづくり技術の結集! 久御山町「黄金の茶室」
This tea house was designed by Kawazoe Lab., The University of Tokyo and built, by the companies listed below, in Kumiyama, which is a 'Manufacturing Town'.

茶室の世界観 The 'world view' of this tea house
「自然と人工」、「光と闇」、「伝統と現代技術」 ― 相反する二つのものが共存する意外さや緊張感を表しています。
"Nature and artificiality", "light and darkness", "tradition and technology" - it expresses its wonders and exquisite balance through the coexistence of contradictory principles.
It is inspired by the 'Golden Tea House' that TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi ordered SENNO Rikyu to make in the 16th Century. Its form was deicided by utilizing the strong points of companies in Kumiyama.

茶室図解 An illustration of the Tea House

茶室内部 The inside of the Tea House

久御山町「黄金の茶室」製作参画企業 The Makers of our "Golden Tea House"

制作総指揮:東京大学川添研究室 Exective Producer: Kawazoe Lab., The University of Tokyo

イーコット株式会社 ECOTT
茶室の「壁」は、約10cm × 3mのアルミ押出材を横に繋げて組み立てています。
ECOTT provided the extruded aluminum pieces, seized about 10cm × 3m, that are connected to be the 'walls' of the teahouse.
イーコット株式会社 ECOTT (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

株式会社カクワ KAKUWA
KAKUWA developed a new type of Origami material for the 'flower vase' inspired by a Nishijin leaf.
株式会社カクワ KAKUWA (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

コスモ機器株式会社 Cosmo Kiki Electric Co., Ltd.
These equipment experts remodeled the case and electrical control system for the 'vacuum teakettle'.
コスモ機器株式会社 Cosmo Kiki Electric Co., Ltd. (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

京都樹脂精工株式会社 Kyoto Jushi-Seiko Co., Ltd.
The advanced technical skill of Kyoto Jushi-Seiko, assured the resin frames fit precisely and will warp less than 1mm.
京都樹脂精工株式会社 Kyoto Jushi-Seiko Co., Ltd. (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

株式会社サンセイ SANSEI Co., Ltd.
The 'copper basin in the garden' was spun by the artisans at SANSEI.
株式会社サンセイ SANSEI Co., Ltd. (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

中沼アートスクリーン株式会社 Nakanuma Art Screen Co., Ltd.
The tone of the gold leaf, to match the original from about 400 years ago, was recreated using their original screen printing technology.
中沼アートスクリーン株式会社(日本語)(別ウインドウで開く) Nakanuma Art Screen Co., Ltd. (English)(別ウインドウで開く)

ニューリー株式会社 Newly Corporation
This "Kakejiku" (traditional hanging scroll) expresses the invisible 'world of gold leaf' by making full use of Newly's super high-definition scanning and digital reproduction technology.
ニューリー株式会社(日本語)(別ウインドウで開く) Newly Corporation (English)(別ウインドウで開く)

FUJIMOTO created the stainless steel 'vacuum teakettle' with a unique design that looks like it is floating in the air.

株式会社マツダ MATSUDA Co., Ltd.
The reliable techniques of MATSUDA, made it possible to build the tea haouse without pillars.
株式会社マツダ MATSUDA Co., Ltd. (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

洛陽技研株式会社 RAKUYOGIKEN Co., Ltd.
The LED lighting provided by RAKUYOGIKEN, replicates candles quivering in the breeze.
洛陽技研株式会社 RAKUYOGIKEN Co., Ltd. (Japanese only)(別ウインドウで開く)

久御山町「黄金の茶室」図解ダウンロード Download of the illustration of KUMIYAMA Golden Tea House
久御山町「黄金の茶室」図解(PDFファイル) Download of the illustration of KUMIYAMA Golden Tea House
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